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What People Say About
The 7 Day Nervous System Reset


"This is everything I didn't know I needed! The 7 day challenge helped me establish a regular practice doing these drills and in the weeks since completing the challenge, my ability to remain calm during my child's upsets has blown me away. Thank you thank you!"


"The 7 Day Nervous System Reset Challenge is absolutely incredible. I needed more than just talk therapy and basic breathing and you've just given me so much. The tools I needed and couldn't find anywhere else. Thank you so much for doing this."


"The 7 Day Nervous System Reset is everything! I had no idea this type of work even existed until I found you on Facebook and OMG it's the best thing I've found for easing my anxiety and overstimulation with my kids. Truly amazing!"

What People Say About
The Regulated Mother


"The Regulated Mother is such an amazing positive life changing experience, no matter what level you are on when you come into it. I was getting to a point where I couldn't even stand myself so I'm glad to have moved so far away from that. I don't think anyone would end the program feeling like they wasted their time. I felt nothing but heard, supported and welcome the whole time."


"The regulated Mother has helped me become a better mother.  I didn't want to be the angry mom who reacted easily from my triggers.  I wanted to be the calm in my child's storm.  I wasn't able to do that prior to this program.  This program has given me the ability to do just that, be the calm for my child- help them co-regulate. I will forever use these tools."


"The Regulated Mother program was incredibly healing and hope-inspiring. Before the program I felt lost, hopeless, powerless and confused. I knew I needed to change but didn't know what to do or where to start. This program gave me a structured yet flexible, easy to follow, step by step guide and included everything I needed to make huge progress in my healing journey. It included information and focus on all the areas that impact my ability to be the mother I want to be, not just the act of regulating myself. Emilie was the right balance of grace and loving "do the work" when things got tough. The information was presented in a clear, well thought out way and was not over complicated. The exercises were explained and modelled well and the workbook was extremely helpful. I would encourage everyone to do this program and also make sure you attend the weekly group calls! They are invaluable and really made me feel connected and supported! Thank you so much!" 
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